Lakhovsky's Multi-Wave Oscillator (MWO)
MWO sessions for healing, meditation or rejuvention are available in Christchurch.
This is not a clinic situation, but an opportunity for you to use the space for your own needs.
To enquire please email Margaret (below) and she will be happy to answer any queries you may have.

Part Tesla coil – part genius.
Science explains it this way. A NORMAL cell has an electrical potential of 70 millivolts, an AGED cell at 50 mV, and a CANCER or ill cell is 15 mV. When a cell is in electrical difficulty the mV and the sodium-potassium balance are out. The high potential brings the cells to an equal level basically resetting them. This allows healing to occur at a higher pace without stressing the cell. And the additional energy restores cell integrity by reorienting it's molecular structure to allow for easier potential movement. Basically it bolsters the field of each cell individually so they support each other more easily.
Human Voltage
A negative charge is the natural resting state of your cells. It's related to a slight imbalance between potassium and sodium ions inside and outside the cell, and this imbalance sets the stage for your electrical capacity.
Your cell membranes practice a trick often referred to as the sodium-potassium gate. It's a very complex mechanism, but the simple explanation of these gates, and how they generate electrical charges, goes like this:

At rest, your cells have more potassium ions inside than sodium ions, and there are more sodium ions outside the cell. Potassium ions are negative, so the inside of a cell has a slightly negative charge. Sodium ions are positive, so the area immediately outside the cell membrane is positive. There isn't a strong enough charge difference to generate electricity, though, in this resting state.
When the body needs to send a message from one point to another, it opens the gate. When the membrane gate opens, sodium and potassium ions move freely into and out of the cell. Negatively charged potassium ions leave the cell, attracted to the positivity outside the membrane, and positively charged sodium ions enter it, moving toward the negative charge. The result is a switch in the concentrations of the two types of ions -- and rapid switch in charge. It's kind of like switching between a 1 and 0 -- this flip between positive and negative generates an electrical impulse. This impulse triggers the gate on the next cell to open, creating another charge, and so on. In this way, an electrical impulse moves from a nerve in your stubbed toe to the part of your brain that senses pain.
Most illness are due to autoimmune imbalance. When your immune system cannot ward off a problem in your system in time, something fails. Your only defense is your immune system. By raising the oscillating frequency of every atom in your body, we are increasing the rate at which the immune system operates as well as eliminating the negative toxins your body is trying to fight off. The quantum fluctuations (vibrations) that make up the memory of the cells of our body start creating different "memories". This type of frequency reprogramming allows the body to remember the natural effectiveness of the immune system and regenerate back 100% to its original state.

article by Ed Wahler
I have been involved in alternative energy research for the last 4 plus years. My research into Nikola Tesla, Victor Schauberger and John Keely taught me that energy and the search for it in the universe is highly interrelated with energy of the body and the search for greater health. One hundred years ago there were more electric cars on the road than gasoline powered ones. One hundred years ago we knew what caused cancer and how to treat it. Then the Government stepped in and started to pay for health care. The pharmaceutical companies figured out they could make a lot of money "treating" people, not making them well, and then getting someone else to pay for it. Have you lost a loved one to cancer? Georges Lakhovsky had a 98% success rate in treating fatal cancers over an 11-year period. Today we celebrate a 50% five-year survival rate. Does it anger you that the AMA and the entire medical establishment have a financial interest to never solve any medical problem?
In a recent Business Week cover story on cancer, oncologists and pharmaceutical company representatives stated that within 5 years, they were hoping to treat cancer like aids. With a cocktail of drugs you take for the rest of your life.
Here is the story of the Multi-Wave Oscillator. It is part Tesla coil, part Earth generator, pure genius. Lakhovsky's device was used in this country until 1942 and in Europe for about another 15 years. It was ordered removed from the US hospitals that were using it shortly after Lakhovsky died in 1942. He was hit by a car. Coincidence? You be the judge.

What Lakhovsky discovered was simply mind-boggling: Lakhovsky was the first to predict the existence of the double helix we now know as DNA. He postulated that all living cells (plants, people, bacteria, parasites, etc.) possess attributes that normally are associated with oscillating electrical circuits. These cellular attributes include resistance, capacitance, and inductance. These 3 electrical properties, when properly configured, will cause the oscillation of high frequency sine waves when sustained by a small, steady supply of outside energy of the right frequency. This effect is known as resonance. It's easiest to compare it with a child swinging on a playground swing. As long as the parent pushes the swing a little at the right moment (the correct 'frequency'), the child will continue to swing.
In electronics, circuits that generate these recurrent sine waves can be called electromagnetic resonators, but more commonly they are referred to as oscillators. Lakhovsky tells us that not only do all living cells produce and radiate oscillations of very high frequencies, but they also receive and respond to oscillations imposed upon them from outside sources. This outside source of radiation or oscillations is due to cosmic rays that bombard the Earth continuously as well modern day sources such as TV's, radios, computers, cell phones and countless others. This incredible realization, achieved during the golden years of radio, not only led to a new method of healing by the application of high frequency waves, but broadened appreciation for the newly emerging field of hidden science known as Radionics or Radiathesia.
When these outside sources of oscillations are in sympathy, that is they are of the exact same frequency as that produced by the cell, the strength and vigor of that cell will be reinforced and become stronger. If, on the other hand, these outside frequencies are of a slightly different frequency, rather than reinforce the cell's native oscillations, they might dampen or weaken them, resulting in a loss of vigor and vitality for that cell. The cells of disease causing organisms within an infected person produce different frequencies than that of normal, healthy cells. For people or plants suffering from disease conditions, Lakhovsky found that if he could increase the amplitude (of the resonant frequency) of the oscillations of healthy cells, this increase would overwhelm and dampen the oscillations produced by the disease causing cells, thus bringing about the demise of the disease causing cells trying to set up shop in the body. If he pumped up the amplitude of the disease causing cells, their oscillations would gain the upper hand and cause the person or plant to become weaker and more ill. Lakhovsky viewed the progression of disease as essentially a battle between the resonant oscillations of host cells versus the oscillations emanating from pathogenic organisms.

He initially proved his theory using plants. In December 1924, he inoculated 10 geranium plants with a cancer that produced tumors. After 30 days, tumors had developed in all of the plants. He took one of the 10 infected plants and simply fashioned a heavy copper wire in a one loop, open-ended coil about 30 cm (12") in diameter around the center of the plant and held it in place with an ebonite stake. The copper coil acted as an antennae or a tuning coil, collecting and concentrating oscillation energy from extremely high frequency cosmic rays. The diameter of the cooper loop determined which range of frequencies would be captured. He found that the 30 cm loop captured frequencies that fell within the resonant frequency range of the plant's cells. This captured energy reinforced the resonant oscillations naturally produced by the nucleus of the germanium's cells. This allowed the plant to overwhelm the oscillations of the cancer cells and destroy the cancer. The tumors fell off in less than 3 weeks and by 2 months the plant was thriving. All of the other cancer-inoculated plants-without the antennae coil- died within 30 days. In his book, Lakhovsky shows pictures of the recovered plant after 2 months, 6 months, and 1 year. Three years later, with the original coil left in place, the plant grew into a very robust specimen.
These simple coils, worn continuously around certain parts of the body, would invigorate the strength of the human cells and increased the immune response that in turn took care of the offending pathogens. At the time, when news spread of the success achieved with these "Lakhovsky Coils", many Europeans were clamoring to get their own and often had to wait for months due to the backlog. One of the main reasons why so many people find copper wrist bracelets effective and beneficial is because the bracelet is functioning as a Lakhovsky Coil (it's also providing minute trace amounts of copper to the body, which helps too). To achieve the Lakhovsky effect, it's important that the coil (or bracelet) is "open" and made of copper. Closed rings simply don't work.

Lakhovsky's Multi-Wave Oscillator (MWO)
Geroges Lakhovsky published the English version of The Secret of Life at the very outbreak of World War II. His work went unnoticed and little reviewed, but Lakhovsky's reputation for obtaining dramatic results with his amazing Multi-Wave Oscillator gained world wide attention, nevertheless. By 1941, he had made his way to New York, escaping the Nazi occupation of France. Mark Clement, in The Waves that Heal, describes how many people and organizations hoping to capitalize on his MWO therapy approached Lakhovsky.
A film made by an "enterprising beautician" featured several case histories of treatment with the MWO that "proved to be both interesting and convincing". Lakhovsky was also approached by several hospitals in New York hoping to test his apparatus experimentally. Remarkable results were obtained from a seven-week clinical trial performed at a major New York City hospital and that of a prominent Brooklyn urologist in the summer of 1941. Later editions of The Secret of Life detailed many of these cases.
What seemed like a promising development in the use of the MWO in America quickly faded after Lakhovsky unexpectedly died in New York in 1942 at the age of 73. A car struck and killed him in a most mysterious manner. His equipment was removed from the hospital and patients were told that the therapy was no longer available. Except for this brief trial in New York, Lakhovsky's work remained completely unknown to the American public. Even the spectacular success of the New York cases were quickly forgotten; an unlikely lapse of memory in the natural scheme of things. It seems that hidden hands were at work when it came to obliterating the memory of Lakhovsky's Multi-Wave Oscillator in America. Fortunately, a small but growing cadre of experimenters, researchers and curious Americans is helping to revive this simple, honest device. Thousands of people have been helped quietly and without fanfare, due to the monopoly that doctors enjoy on being able to make medical claims. Several people now offer MWO's built from hard work and research into Lakhovsky's MWO and their own determination to see this life saving technology survive. My own use of an MWO has demonstrated miraculous results. I have seen it completely defeat arthritis, gout, cancer, diabetes, nerve damage and other maladies. The MWO helps "tune up" the body so that it heals like it was young and vibrant again. My own observations are in complete agreement with Lakhovsky's claims and research results.
This information is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, prevent or treat any disease and should not be a substitute for consultation with a licensed health care professional.

If you lose resonance,
shift your internal axis.
Refocus, reset
dial up to a higher frequency.